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8 Ways to Get the Most our of Your YouTube Channel – Part 2

Part one in this two-part series can be found here.

youtube one channelLike most social networks, your ability to benefit from YouTube One Channel relies heavily on the level of involvement to which your firm is willing to commit. At a minimum, you should brand your channel and fully fill out all meta data, like titles and descriptions, so your videos will be correctly categorized and easy to find....

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8 Ways to Get the Most our of Your YouTube Channel – Part 1

youtubeYouTube rolled out its new One Channel platform over the spring and early summer. By now, whether you have set up your channel or not, any YouTube accounts you have should have long been converted to the new design. With the changes, Google is attempting to make the site more of a subscription based destination, rather than a video hosting site. As the name implies, all users now have a channel...

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Google Looking to Review Under-Performing Small Business Websites

submit siteGoogle is giving small business owners a chance to have their sites personally reviewed by engineers on Google's webspam team. If you have a smaller site that you think should be ranking better against your larger competitors, this is your chance to plead you case.

Distinguished Engineer Matt Cutts put out the call on Twitter for owners of smaller websites to submit their information via a simple...

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Get more out of your thank you pages

thankyouIn a highly saturated market, firms must pay attention to every piece of their marketing efforts. Small details may be the things that ultimately push people to choose you over the competition.

Convincing a website visitor to contact your firm is just a first step; the ultimate goal is of course to convert that visitor into a client. The more you can personalize their experience and convince them that...

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Google’s How Search Works site outlines the search process and offers live spam screenshots

searchGoogle has launched a website called How Search Works, which takes users through the process of search from crawling and indexing to displaying results. From a purely design standpoint, the site is a beautiful example of how modern coding techniques can create a completely interactive, animated and Flash-free website. It uses plenty of white space, large text and simple graphics to explain the indexing and search process....

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Harmonize your content and visual marketing for maximum reach

lookContent Marketing: Hail to the King
The key to a truly successful law firm marketing strategy has always been producing a steady stream of relevant content. Even before Google released Panda and now Penguin, the most reliable way to promote long-term goals – both of being found and converting visitors to clients – was to create value through quality, meaningful content. Now, with Google supposedly cracking down on...

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Keep Your Website Development Running Smoothly

fightingIf your firm has decided to undertake a website project, you want the process from contract to launch to go as smoothly as possible. And you want a website that fits your firm's needs and generates leads. Generally, this is how web projects progress.

But sometimes, the process breaks down. Attorneys may get frustrated with their web design and development teams. They think they are being ripped off (sometimes...

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What social media practices spur the most engagement?

soc media habitsWhen your firm is engaging in social media marketing, it can seem at times like you are just throwing information out into the ether. Are people reading your updates? Do they like what you are sharing?

One of the most important things to remember about building a useful social media presence is that it takes time and patience. It is easy to get frustrated that you do not have enough...

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