Social Media Marketing for Attorneys: Make Your Clients’ Choices Easy

A recent article on points out a growing disconnect between what marketing and business executives think consumers want and what those consumers actually want when it comes to interacting with companies online. While business leaders talk of building a community and engaging users, most consumers are just interested in getting some sort of perk or discount for following companies online. Being a part of a community is not their top priority.

This presents a unique challenge...

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Attorney Bios are an Important Lawyer Website Marketing Tool

Attorney bio pages on a law firm website are the pages most frequently visited by prospective clients. Bio pages can see up to twice the traffic of even a firm’s home page. Clearly they are important. Attorneys should take advantage of the exposure their bio pages receive by focusing on design and content that will engage visitors and generate leads.

Think of your attorney bio pages as an online extension of your office. You are inviting people in to...

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Connect with Clients Through Powerful Pictures and Taglines

Your law firm’s website must capture users’ attention within seconds. Creating compelling photo and headline combinations is one of the more effective ways of drawing users in. A thoughtfully chosen image coupled with a short headline that evokes an emotional response can compel visitors to read more. And the longer prospects stay on your website, the more likely they are to contact your firm.

Copy and photography create something of a chicken and egg scenario in website design....

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A Lawyer Website Design Only Works if Users Know What To Do

Even AT&T knows that consumers are no longer using the Yellow Pages as a primary method to search for professionals. Consumers are searching online, and marketing budgets have adjusted accordingly.

People (and businesses) that need an attorney are increasingly using law firm websites to filter their options before choosing which lawyer to call. A well designed, well populated, website shows off a firm’s professionalism and expertise, which helps establish trust with prospects and existing clients. There is simply no excuse...

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