Ten Lawyer Website Usability Tips – Part Two

Last week, we discussed several methods law firms can employ to ramp up their website’s usability. Making your firm’s site as intuitive and easy to use as possible helps give potential clients a positive experience and prompts calls and conversion. A well designed, fine-tuned website also encourages users to share your site and refer others to your firm.

Attention to detail in an attorney website is something that is most notable when absent. When done well, no one item...

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Connect with Clients Through Powerful Pictures and Taglines

Your law firm’s website must capture users’ attention within seconds. Creating compelling photo and headline combinations is one of the more effective ways of drawing users in. A thoughtfully chosen image coupled with a short headline that evokes an emotional response can compel visitors to read more. And the longer prospects stay on your website, the more likely they are to contact your firm.

Copy and photography create something of a chicken and egg scenario in website design....

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