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What to Look For When Hiring For A Law Firm Marketing Position, and Other Must-Reads

What to Look For When Hiring For A Law Firm Marketing Position, and Other Must-Reads

7 Basic Skills to Look for When Hiring A Law Firm Marketing Person (Clio)

Depending on your law firm marketing strategy and your target clientele, you’ll need to vet a well-rounded marketing person or agency that will have the basic skills and knowledge needed to succeed. This article lists several of the necessary skills to look out for in a law firm marketing person to help you find the best possible candidate.

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Find your inspiration – a holiday grab bag of helpful design resources

giftIn honor of America's birthday, here is little a gift for everyone: links to provide you with inspiration for your next marketing project along with some bonus tools to help clear clutter and enhance your productivity.


Fonts are an often overlooked design element - a smattering of Arial, Verdana or Times arranged into paragraphs for general consumption. But your typography is actually the largest design element on...

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