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Tips For Creating A Sustainable Work-From-Home Model For Your Law Firm

Tips For Creating A Sustainable Work-From-Home Model For Your Law Firm

You probably already know that “going back to normal” isn’t really a thing to look forward to anymore. The pandemic has shown the legal industry that its structures must adapt to remain agile during times of duress, and in the process, it has revealed how previous methods might not have been serving law firms to begin with. During the age of home office Zoom calls, how can the work-from-home model and online tools serve not as temporary scaffolds, but...

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How To Keep Your Readers Engaged During This Pandemic, And Other Tips To Keep Your Law Firm Agile

How To Keep Your Readers Engaged During This Pandemic, And Other Tips To Keep Your Law Firm Agile

The six habits of highly effective law firm thought leadership content (

Highly effective written communication is key to maintaining strong client relations and is essential to attracting new clients. Your thought leadership content, including blogs, newsletters, and emails, has a huge task: to keep the reader engaged enough to keep reading. This isn’t easy. But if you always follow these 6 tips when writing content, you’ll find...

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Myth: Digital Marketing Is The Last Thing You Should Worry About During The Pandemic

Myth: Digital Marketing Is The Last Thing You Should Worry About During The Pandemic

While the COVID-19 crisis is creating new challenges for law firms across the country, it’s essential to keep calm and plan intelligently for your law firm’s success. It can be easy to fall into the panic of, “I need to cut costs!” and eliminate essential services. But your law firm is kept together by a delicate balance of well-oiled parts, so don’t panic and abandon your marketing. Actually, right now is an especially important time...

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