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Raising Your Law Firm's Brand With YouTube Audio Ads, and Other Must-Reads

Raising Your Law Firm’s Brand With YouTube Audio Ads, and Other Must-Reads

How to Get Started With YouTube Audio Ads (Search Engine Land)

“YouTube audio ads are a refreshing new ad type designed to serve brand awareness and reach goals with audio content on the video platform.” As of November 2020, audio ads have remained in a global open beta. For law firms looking to further their outreach online, audio ads may be worth the consideration to engage music and podcast listeners.

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Google Web Stories May Be Going Global, and Other Must-Reads

Google Web Stories May Be Going Global, and Other Must-Reads

Google May Expand Roll Out of Web Stories If More Sites Use Them (Search Engine Journal)

Google’s Web Stories content format provides law firms and other businesses another creative opportunity to gain additional online traffic. Currently, Web Stories are supported in the United States, India and Brazil. As more and more users take advantage of Web Stories, Google is eager to expand this search feature to other countries.


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How Your Law Firm Can Support Your Community During The Coronavirus Crisis

How Your Law Firm Can Support Your Community During The Coronavirus Crisis

As a law firm, you’re well positioned to support your community through a crisis. People are scared, and they have a lot of questions about how this crisis affects their lives. You can be there to not just answer those questions, but to lead them to a brighter future. Here are some ways your law firm can support your community as they try to manage their lives during the COVID-19 crisis.

1. Share helpful information

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