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Mobile Optimization is a Must for Law Firms

mobile search for lawyersLast year, Google's paid links (listings powered by Adwords) saw traffic from mobile devices account for 25 percent of clickthroughs -- a significant number, and one that law firms must pay attention to.

When looking at consistency between natural Google rankings on desktops and smart phones, we see little changes. About 85 percent of desktop rankings have the same position when conducting a search...

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Facebook Graph to Help Law Firms Connect with Clients

graph search iconFacebook's announcement about their search engine, Facebook Graph, has left many with questions about how to make sure their firm is well-positioned when the new feature leaves beta and hits the mainstream.

While the company works to distinguish itself from Google, the process in which a Facebook page ranks well when users search in Facebook Graph shows a close resemblance to the classic rules of search engine optimization.

Facebook Studio posted...

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How Legal Marketing Companies Bet Against You

Betting Against Law FirmsWe recently conducted an internal study, looking at how law firm marketing companies manage working for competing law firms. If a company is providing search engine optimization services, this is of particular importance, as there are only 10-15 natural listings between standard and local.

Over the last four years, the number of online marketing firms which claim to focus on attorneys...

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A New Website Will Not Harm Your Firm’s Ranking

Online marketing consists of many things beyond just search engine placement – things such as your website. All of your online marketing efforts will eventually lead a potential client back to your law firm's website. When that happens, is your website ready for conversion?

Some law firms have been building out their...

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Giving Away Free Information May be Key to Building a Bigger Law Firm in 2013

lawyer ebooksWhen planning your law firm’s website content, you may want to take time to organize some free information to be distributed to your visitors. Free information builds credibility, loyalty, and ultimately will bring in new cases.

While some areas of law require a fast decision from the client -- like personal injury -- most areas of law pertain to things people and businesses have to think about. Should I file...

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Good and Bad Keyphrases for Your Firm

Attorney SEO Keyphrases for LawyersAfter you decide to move forward with a comprehensive search engine optimization campaign, it is time to determine your best primary keyphrases. Your SEO company should do this for you, but it's important to know their process.

What makes a good keyphrase and a bad keyphrase?

Good Keyphrases

It may come as a surprise, but popularity is not all that makes a good keyphrase....

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How Older Law Firm Sites Lose their Position

Having an old domain name and a well-established presence in Google can help your law firm achieve and keep high search engine rankings. But sometimes, older websites fall from their coveted positions, leaving the law office confused and faced with declining leads.


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How Older Websites Discourage New Clients

Lawyer web design multi platformHaving a website with a high ranking in search engines like Google and Bing is just the beginning. After your law firm is getting high placement, it's time to improve the click-through rate (CTR). The click-through rate is a percentage which reflects the number of times your search engine listing is clicked on, compared to the number of times it is just shown and not clicked on.

Once your website...

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Balancing Your Law Firm’s Marketing Budget for 2013

Law firm marketing plan for 2013As 2012 is winding down, many law firms are looking to how they will spend next years' marketing dollars. To get the most out of your marketing budget, some diversification is needed.

Phone Book

The Yellow Pages are obsolete. If you are currently paying for a full or half-page ad, consider downsizing to a quarter-page or eighth. Even demographics once loyal to phone books,...

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