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What Google's Pigeon update means for law firm local results

What Google’s Pigeon update means for law firm local results

At the end of July, Google quietly rolled out a change to its local ranking algorithm. In the absence of an official title for the update, Search Engine Land (SEL) dubbed it Pigeon, and the name has stuck. Some industries, particularly food, beverage and hospitality, have noticed dramatic changes in the way results are displayed for local search queries. Law firms should be aware of the changes associated with Pigeon and be prepared for a shake-up in local results...

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Find balance with your search and social marketing efforts

zenEach new, highly publicized update Google releases causes some frustration among businesses that see their rankings fluctuate as the changes take effect. And Google will continue to hone its algorithm in an attempt to make search results as helpful as possible for those in need of information or services.

However, through all of Google's updates, the basic rules have remained the same. And so has the underlying formula: a combination...

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Will Responsive Design Work for Your Website?

responsiveFrom a designer's perspective, responsive website design is beautiful. It is simple: one site, many devices. With a responsive design, your site will transition seamlessly from desktop to mobile without the need for distinct urls. In addition, responsive designs often emphasize white space and large elements, giving sites room to breathe at all sizes. And, the consistency offered by employing responsive design is a valuable brand-building tool, since...

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Optimize your mobile landing pages with best practices for conversion

mobile landingFor attorneys, mobile websites are becoming a requirement rather than a fancy add-on. Mobile devices are ubiquitous. People are increasingly opting to search with mobile devices in their homes and offices even when a desktop or laptop computer is available. Google estimates that by 2014, more people will be accessing the Internet with a mobile device then with a PC.

Although the percentage of traffic your firm receives...

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The Right Law Firm Marketing Budget

We get a lot of calls each week from lawyers that are upset with their current legal marketing company. These calls generally go something like this.

“I can’t take this company that I’m working with any longer. I had them build my website about one year ago and I’ve been paying them month after month to do search engine work and nothing is happening.” The lawyer goes on to explain how they have spent a fortune on the website but...

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