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Google Web Stories May Be Going Global, and Other Must-Reads

Google Web Stories May Be Going Global, and Other Must-Reads

Google May Expand Roll Out of Web Stories If More Sites Use Them (Search Engine Journal)

Google’s Web Stories content format provides law firms and other businesses another creative opportunity to gain additional online traffic. Currently, Web Stories are supported in the United States, India and Brazil. As more and more users take advantage of Web Stories, Google is eager to expand this search feature to other countries.


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Marketing and the Brain - Part 2 of 3

Marketing and the Brain – Part 2 of 3


After setting the stage with your logo, color scheme and visual display, as discussed in part 1 of this blog series, play close attention to your website’s copy. Copywriting is all about persuasion and an appeal to human memory through the written word, which may seem like a difficult task for some. Consider the psychological implications of copywriting, however, and you’ll find that creating more effective, conversion-oriented copy is simpler than it may appear.


When a statement is repeated,...

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LinkedIn releases revamped Pulse - attorneys should take advantage

LinkedIn releases revamped Pulse – attorneys should take advantage

Last month, LinkedIn released a new version of its Pulse app for iOS and Android. According to developers, the service has not simply been modified; it has been rebuilt from the ground up. All older versions have been pulled from Google Play and the App Store, and LinkedIn has said users with existing versions will be able to use them through the end of the year.

Pulse began as a news aggregator app that curated content from various publications...

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Target niche audiences with LinkedIn Showcase Pages

Target niche audiences with LinkedIn Showcase Pages

On April 14, the Products and Services tab was removed from all LinkedIn Company Pages. With the Products and Services tab gone, recommendations are no longer available. The recommendations feature has caused debate among attorneys in the past, some of whom believe it may be unethical to display recommendations on a firm's Company Page.

LinkedIn announced the move in March, and it is allowing businesses who wish to save their recommendations to request copies from customer service until May...

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Beat the crowd: Tips for rising above the competition in a saturated market

rise aboveThe Am Law Daily announced last week that early numbers show only modest growth for a prestigious group of New York's largest law firms last year. Within the study is the admission from several partners that persistent pressure to lower rates is cutting into profitability, even with a rise in some types of litigation work. The push for firms to lower their rates or pursue alternative billing...

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Set your firm apart in a way that matters to clients

differentiateOne difficulty confronting firms that are operating in an undeniably saturated market is the ability to effectively communicate what sets them apart from all the other firms competing for the same clients. Many attorneys have begun to recognize that they must define themselves in a way that is distinct from their competition. And this is correct. One key to successful marketing is showing clients how you are...

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Digital Business Card Options are Expanding

digcardDepending upon who you ask, business cards are either an essential professional tool or a dinosaur left over from the old days of print. The reality is probably somewhere in between; you will not win new clients through the sheer brilliance of your business card design, but a good card can help keep you in touch with valuable connections.

Truly tech-savvy early adopters have been searching for ways to digitize...

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Company pages on LinkedIn are still an underused resource

best linkedinIn December, LinkedIn released its list of the 12 best company pages of 2012. According to a post on the official LinkedIn blog, the pages were chosen because they used a range of features to both enhance the company's brand and communicate with its audience in a meaningful way. Some winners include Adobe, HubsSpot and CNBC. You can see the complete slideshow...

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LinkedIn releases list of top overused profile buzzwords

wirtingWith the new year approaching, LinkedIn has released their list of 2012's top ten overused profile buzzwords. And they have created a helpful infographic to spread the news. Although the professional network added over 50 million new members this year, “creative” once again topped the list of words most frequently seen in profile descriptions. LinkedIn breaks down profile statistics for the United States and worldwide, and the word...

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