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How Small Law Firms Can Best Utilize Legal Marketing, and Other Must-Reads

How Small Law Firms Can Best Utilize Legal Marketing, and Other Must-Reads

Legal Marketing For Small Firms in 2020: Obstacles and Opportunities (Lawlytics)

"Nearly three of every four very small law firms say acquiring new business is a challenge". In this article, Attorney Dan Jaffe shares his insight on the dangers a small law firms and solo law firms may face and the business opportunities they can leverage in 2020.

How to Prepare to Be a Podcast Guest (Clio)

The growth of...

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How To Keep Your Readers Engaged During This Pandemic, And Other Tips To Keep Your Law Firm Agile

How To Keep Your Readers Engaged During This Pandemic, And Other Tips To Keep Your Law Firm Agile

The six habits of highly effective law firm thought leadership content (

Highly effective written communication is key to maintaining strong client relations and is essential to attracting new clients. Your thought leadership content, including blogs, newsletters, and emails, has a huge task: to keep the reader engaged enough to keep reading. This isn’t easy. But if you always follow these 6 tips when writing content, you’ll find...

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Don’t Let Your End-Of-Year Marketing Dollars Go to Waste

Don’t Let Your End-Of-Year Marketing Dollars Go to Waste

If you’re lucky enough to see leftover marketing money in your budget at the end of the year, don’t let it go to waste. End 2019 on a high note by investing in a marketing move that will put your firm in a strong position to hit your 2020 goals.

We have some ideas to help you get the most out of your marketing money this Holiday season.

1. Timely content is always in style

It’s the end of the year, and...

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Should lawyers offer free consultations?

Should lawyers offer free consultations?

Many lawyers feel conflicted about whether to offer free consultations or to charge a fee. On the one hand, free consultations are a great way to attract potential clients by providing them with the security of deciding who to hire before having to pay fees. It’s a good way to get people into your office, which gives you the chance to stand out above your competitors. But on the other hand, time is money. If you or your staff...

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Get the Most Out of Your Law Firm's Videos

Get the Most Out of Your Law Firm’s Videos

Facebook users consume 100 million hours of Facebook videos per day, matched by 500 million hours of Youtube videos watched each day. Does that mean people are watch law firms' videos?

That depends on the channel and the device.

Look Who’s Watching
For law firm videos, the video click through rate (or play rate) on mobile devices is miniscule compared to desktops and tablets even though YouTube's traffic is more than 50% mobile. When Custom Legal...

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The 2018 Content Marketing Plan for Law Firms

The 2018 Content Marketing Plan for Law Firms

Content marketing is propelling forward into a modernized world of high expectations for law firms: to be unique and trustworthy for clients with a crisp and transparent online presence. As rough as the roadmap to successful marketing may seem, it is not impossible. The secret is in the flow. Here is how your firm can tackle content marketing today:

Create Your Plan of Action

Break it down.
The simplest start to new beginnings in 2018 is to realign your law firm’s goals...

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Our New Report and Analytics Lounge is Your Law Firm Marketing Command Center

Our New Report and Analytics Lounge is Your Law Firm Marketing Command Center

As a law firm investing in online marketing, you deserve to know where your marketing dollars are going and what results can be traced back to your SEO efforts. Custom Legal Marketing has always believed in transparency and giving law firms full access to their data which is why we built the CLM Lounge half a decade ago.

In December of 2017, we retired the old CLM Lounge and moved to a new platform that integrates with multiple services...

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How to keep your visitors on your site

How to keep your visitors on your site

You’ve done everything right so far. Your SEO has worked the way it should and now visitors have found your site. Your analytics indicate that you’re receiving heavy traffic, but visitors are only staying on your site for about 30 seconds. They’re scrolling through your homepage, but before long, they’re gone.
While your website may draw visitors in with desirable design elements and a clear call to action, it may still be struggling to keep visitors there long enough to...

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