New for 2017: voice search and mobile optimization checklist for attorneys

New for 2017: voice search and mobile optimization checklist for attorneys

Voice search is no longer a novelty. Increasingly, people are using personal assistants like Siri and Google Assistant to ask questions and perform basic searches. In May of 2016, approximately 20 percent of all searches performed on Google's mobile app and Android devices were done by voice. The popularity of products like Amazon Echo and Google Home will only increase consumers' comfort with voice search. Research by ComScore suggests that 50 percent of searches will be voice-based by 2020.

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Overcome these top marketing obstacles facing lawyers in 2017

Overcome these top marketing obstacles facing lawyers in 2017

Marketing is a constantly changing practice. What may work one year or even one month may not work the next. What may help one law firm may harm another. For firms of any size, finding the right marketing mix, one that contributes to growth while consuming a manageable number of resources, is an ongoing balancing act.

All industries face marketing challenges, but lawyers face the additional burdens of state bar rules and ethics decisions, which are continually evolving. And...

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How lawyers can take advantage of new trends in video advertising

How lawyers can take advantage of new trends in video advertising

The demand for online video content from publishers and consumers has been growing steadily for years. In the United states, 78 percent of internet users say they watch online video. In July of 2006, a little over a year after YouTube launched, 65,000 videos were being uploaded every day. Now that number is in the hundreds of thousands. Over 400 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute. Cisco estimates that global video traffic,...

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5 ways to beat boring website copy

5 ways to beat boring website copy

Law firm marketing content does not have to be dull. Certainly, producing dry, stock legal marketing copy is easy — just look at almost any website or brochure, take a couple of notes and copy like a robot. Explain that the law is complex, say a few things about how only an experienced lawyer can help, drop in a couple of keywords and there you have it. It almost writes itself. But this type of content will not impress...

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Four common misunderstandings about attorney website design (and how to fix them)

Four common misunderstandings about attorney website design (and how to fix them)

It happens to the best attorneys, designers and marketers. You embark upon creating a website together. You brainstorm, you prototype, you test, and you build what you believe to be a great new product. Then, at some point, you realize that something has gone awry. Online conversions are down, bounce rates are up. Time on site is suffering. A mistake has been made, and it is more than a mere typo — the design is not functioning as intended....

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5 ways lawyers can boost their call to action performance

5 ways lawyers can boost their call to action performance

A call to action (CTA) is any element on a website that encourages visitors to take an action. Usually, a CTA comes in the form of a button or the combination of a button and a line of text. Calls to action can also be textual links, although this treatment should be used judiciously since text does not stand out as well on a page as a graphic or button. The most common CTAs on attorney websites are invitations...

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Are your pictures memorable? Science has the answer

Are your pictures memorable? Science has the answer

Researchers at MIT have developed an algorithm that can identify how memorable or forgettable an image will be to humans. The algorithm, also known as MemNet, performs almost as well as a real human at predicting a photograph's memorability. The algorithm was developed by researchers from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).

How does it work?

People were shown a series of hundreds of photos, some of which were repeated. They were asked to press...

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How to use geotargeting to get your message to the right people

How to use geotargeting to get your message to the right people

Nationwide marketing campaigns are neither attainable nor necessary for most firms. The cost is high, and the ads will reach relatively few people who can actually take advantage of the firm's services. Instead, only people in specific areas and jurisdictions need to be exposed to marketing messages. With geotargeting, it is possible to reach very precise groups of people based on location.

Geotargeting is the practice of using information about an individual's location to deliver relevant content,...

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How To Use Heatmaps To Improve Law Firm Website Performance – Podcast

Heatmaps can show lawyers how website users interact with their content, navigation menu and other interactive elements on their site. This is a valuable marketing tool that identifies where lawyers can improve their sites.

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Nine Types Of Blog Entries To Keep Your Law Firm’s Blog Stocked With Good Content

Marketers have been telling lawyers to blog for years, because content rules when it comes to online marketing. Blogging can be tedious if you are fresh out of ideas. Here are nine areas that might give your tired brain a boost for ideas.

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