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Repair or Replace Your Law Firm’s Website

A lot of law firms are frustrated when they find out that the website they just built cannot be optimized. It seems as if the time and money that was put into the site was all for nothing.

Sometimes it is better (and costs less money) to start over with a new website that is built by the same company that is going to market it. However, if you have the right elements in place, you might be able ...

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What Images Tell Your Prospective Clients

When developing your law firm's website, a lot of emphasis is put on design, layout, and graphics but the images you use can set a tone for your visitors too. The right tone can improve conversion, while the wrong one can chase visitors away.

Aside from photographs of staff lawyers, your website will probably use stock imagery. Such images are purchased (generally) under a royalty-free license. This means that you pay for the image and may use it indefinitely for...

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