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Dump these five overused legal marketing phrases

Dump these five overused legal marketing phrases

Lawyers must communicate with a diverse array of people in order to run a successful practice. Each audience, from judges to colleagues to prospective clients, has a different perspective, and attorneys must tailor their language accordingly when speaking to these different groups.

Marketing language is often more casual and conversational than other types of speech attorneys may use. Marketing language should build trust and create connections, a task that is difficult to manage through jargon and formality.

In addition to...

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New and Revolutionary! Fifteen of the Most Overused Words of 2012

bad wordsEvery year, some words are more popular than others. As fashionable words get bandied about with abandon, you will find some of them begin to grate on you. The more they are seen and heard, the less meaning they retain. You can only read that something is “cutting-edge” so often before nothing will ever seem cutting-edge again. And how many times can you hear the phrase “best practices” before...

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Communication counts – avoid clichés and buzzwords like the plague

buzzwordsPoor writing is an instant turnoff. Be it incorrect grammar, overused and tired phrases or a simple failure to proofread adequately, sloppy writing comes across as lazy and unprofessional. For attorneys who must be able to communicate with a range of audiences, from judges to peers to clients and prospective clients, bad writing habits can be costly.

You have read them – sentences that seem to drag on...

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Practice simplicity in your articles and marketing materials

Keep your audience in mind when writing articles, blog entries and other social content.

Every profession has own language and jargon – a collection of terms that are used predominantly only by those within the industry. Some industries have more (and more obscure) jargon than others, and attorneys are one group of professionals who have acquired a reputation for being some of the worst offenders.

It is easy to succumb to the idea that using big words will make you...

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