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Is AMP the Right Choice for Law Firms?

Is AMP the Right Choice for Law Firms?

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a Google code project that helps websites load quickly. AMP accomplishes its hyper-fast load times by employing a stripped-down version of HTML; a limited, Google-approved Javascript library; and caching.

This means that in order to use AMP, you need to create an alternate version of your website that conforms to AMP's standards. WordPress plugins exist to help law firms that use the WordPress platform accomplish this.

Website design in-depth: Should attorneys use an infinite scroll?

Website design in-depth: Should attorneys use an infinite scroll?

Infinite scrolling has become a popular feature for websites, particularly those that are image and content heavy. Infinite scrolling, as the name suggests, is a method for loading content continuously as the user scrolls through the page. Infinite scrolling eliminates the need for pagination; the user never actually reaches the bottom of a page.

The infinite scroll gained recognition through use on sites like Pinterest and Facebook, each of which have seemingly infinite amounts of content available to load...

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Google tweaks Authorship algorithm to display fewer author results

Google tweaks Authorship algorithm to display fewer author results

Google's Matt Cutts indicated last fall that Google would be reducing the rate at which authorship appears in search results in an effort to combat spam. In his keynote address at Pubcon Las Vegas, Cutts said that eliminating roughly 15 percent of the lower-quality authors could significantly increase the number of high-quality authors who are able to appear in results.

Until December's update, Google displayed all authorship information in results whenever it was available. If you linked your site to...

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Optimize website graphics for added search benefit

Optimize website graphics for added search benefit

Images are an often untapped source of website traffic. Google indexes images, which in turn provide links back to your site. Posts that contain an image garner considerably more attention on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter and are more likely to be shared than their plain-text counterparts. Pinterest now offers rich article pins, which allow publishers to share information about an article, along with a picture and link, on their boards. And infographics can provide high-quality links...

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Featured website illustrates how to create designs that last

busaviationThis month's featured website is, which was designed for aviation transaction attorney Stewart H. Lapayowker. Mr. Lapayowker's site is being highlighted due to a combination of its layout, look and feel, and longevity. This project was completed in 2009, and aside from one programming update necessary to remove an outdated Flash-based menu, it has remained relevant without the need for a design overhaul for the last...

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Explore the possibilities of interactive website design

fffStatic brochure websites are quickly becoming a thing of the past. People now expect frequently updated, current content and interactive design elements, even from an attorney website. Dated sites with links to old articles from your law school days do not connect with potential clients. As attorneys, you have a wealth of knowledge built from years of experience that you can harness to speak directly...

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Design Terms Part Two: Fixed vs. Liquid Layouts

fluidSince nascent HTML began supporting images, colors and backgrounds, people have been experimenting with ways to dress up their pages. Website design has since flourished, with developments in code and technology giving designers the freedom to create layouts they could not have dreamed of ten years ago. But even with modern development capabilities, challenges still exist. Browser and operating statistics, coupled with on-site analytics, can help you predict what technology...

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Top 2012 web design trends – part two

trends 4Last week we examined some of the strides website design has made while advances in technology continue to expand creative options. The year 2012 has seen the introduction of some interesting new styles and programming methods, as designers and developers eagerly experiment with some of the advanced capabilities in HTML 5. Here is the second part of our list of the top seven most popular web design trends of the...

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Optimize your mobile landing pages with best practices for conversion

mobile landingFor attorneys, mobile websites are becoming a requirement rather than a fancy add-on. Mobile devices are ubiquitous. People are increasingly opting to search with mobile devices in their homes and offices even when a desktop or laptop computer is available. Google estimates that by 2014, more people will be accessing the Internet with a mobile device then with a PC.

Although the percentage of traffic your firm receives...

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