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Applying The Inverted Pyramid to SEO Copywriting, and Other Must-Reads

Applying The Inverted Pyramid to SEO Copywriting, and Other Must-Reads

How to Use Journalism’s Inverted Pyramid in SEO Copywriting (Search Engine Journal)

"The Inverted Pyramid is used in journalism to hook readers and create more engaging articles. Learn how to use it in SEO copywriting."

Yelp Ramps Up Spending on Ad Products to Boost Revenue (The Wall Street Journal)

Yelp has been ramping up investments on advertising initiatives such as its Request a Quote feature which allows consumers to ask for a quote...

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Google Web Stories May Be Going Global, and Other Must-Reads

Google Web Stories May Be Going Global, and Other Must-Reads

Google May Expand Roll Out of Web Stories If More Sites Use Them (Search Engine Journal)

Google’s Web Stories content format provides law firms and other businesses another creative opportunity to gain additional online traffic. Currently, Web Stories are supported in the United States, India and Brazil. As more and more users take advantage of Web Stories, Google is eager to expand this search feature to other countries.


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We’re Not Going to Miss 2020 but it Did Have a Few Bright Spots

We’re Not Going to Miss 2020 but it Did Have a Few Bright Spots

Perhaps she’s grouchy because she hasn’t had any trips to Custom Legal Marketing’s office this year. Or maybe it’s because she hasn’t been able to enjoy the unchaperoned freedom of barking at every person that drives by, walks by, or looks at her house. Whatever the reason, this year's candid photo of Maple, our 13-year-old dingo and 2017 Bigger Law Firm Magazine Covergirl encapsulates how many of us feel about this year.

As we usher in a...

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Here's How Your Content Marketing Can Stand Out, and Other Must-Reads

Here’s How Your Content Marketing Can Stand Out, and Other Must-Reads

Better Business Relationships Start with Better Content Marketing

"For the legal industry, content is not new. Lawyers have been writing articles since long before the internet was popular...that’s all content, and if you’re doing that, you’re already a content writer."

Currently, law firms are embracing new forms of content such as podcasts and video to get their message out. But if you want to improve your content as time goes on, this article address two...

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