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2021 Image Sizing Guide For Social Media, and Other Must-Reads

2021 Image Sizing Guide For Social Media, and Other Must-Reads

Hootsuite’s Social Media Image Size Guide for 2021 (Hootsuite)

Are you looking to better streamline your law firm's social media marketing? Bookmark this informative infographic of the latest social media image sizes for 2021.

Keyword Clusters: Advanced SEO Content Strategy for Competitive SERP (Search Engine Journal)

"With every core update, Google gets more literary. But despite Google getting smarter, many site owners still optimize their websites with only a few keyword targets...

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Google Web Stories May Be Going Global, and Other Must-Reads

Google Web Stories May Be Going Global, and Other Must-Reads

Google May Expand Roll Out of Web Stories If More Sites Use Them (Search Engine Journal)

Google’s Web Stories content format provides law firms and other businesses another creative opportunity to gain additional online traffic. Currently, Web Stories are supported in the United States, India and Brazil. As more and more users take advantage of Web Stories, Google is eager to expand this search feature to other countries.


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How Your Law Firm Can Support Your Community During The Coronavirus Crisis

How Your Law Firm Can Support Your Community During The Coronavirus Crisis

As a law firm, you’re well positioned to support your community through a crisis. People are scared, and they have a lot of questions about how this crisis affects their lives. You can be there to not just answer those questions, but to lead them to a brighter future. Here are some ways your law firm can support your community as they try to manage their lives during the COVID-19 crisis.

1. Share helpful information

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Marketing and the Brain - Part 2 of 3

Marketing and the Brain – Part 2 of 3


After setting the stage with your logo, color scheme and visual display, as discussed in part 1 of this blog series, play close attention to your website’s copy. Copywriting is all about persuasion and an appeal to human memory through the written word, which may seem like a difficult task for some. Consider the psychological implications of copywriting, however, and you’ll find that creating more effective, conversion-oriented copy is simpler than it may appear.


When a statement is repeated,...

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Four Ways Gmail Inbox Tabs Could Be a Positive Development for Email Marketing

emailThose who use Gmail have, by this point, probably started to see their inboxes organized into tabs. Google began rolling out the new tabbed layout on May 29, and users have, over the past several months, been logging in to find the new filtering system in place for them.

Gmail now divides emails into three categories: Primary, Social and Promotions. Two additional tabs, Updates and Forums, can be added using...

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How to Write Content that Captures Your Readers’ Attention, Part 2: Email

This is part 2 in a series of posts about how to write content that people actually want to read and share. Part 1, which you can read here, focused on legal marketing article titles.

email subjectMarketers have been trying to invent new ways to get people's attention since the invention of the profession. This is particularly true online, where visitors' already short attention spans are even shorter. Email marketing is...

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Who is paying attention to banner ads?

One of the challenges of online marketing is determining how to best divide your budget between available methods. A number of forces continue to converge that make this decision ever more complicated. Google's successful efforts to encourage high-quality, contextually relevant content and penalize sites that try to take short-cuts coupled with the growing influence of apps and mobile search are forcing firms to employ multiple tactics. And the question of how much social media activity and influence may (or...

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Keep your email marketing fresh: Study confirms it still produces results

email marketingResearch released in Monetate's Ecommerce Quarterly (EQ) report for Q1 2013 reveals that email is still an important marketing tool for businesses. According to data collected during the first quarter of this year, email is actually a larger driver of conversion than search.

The study examined over 500 million shopping experiences and found that email marketing converted more than 3 percent of the time, while search came in...

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Find balance with your search and social marketing efforts

zenEach new, highly publicized update Google releases causes some frustration among businesses that see their rankings fluctuate as the changes take effect. And Google will continue to hone its algorithm in an attempt to make search results as helpful as possible for those in need of information or services.

However, through all of Google's updates, the basic rules have remained the same. And so has the underlying formula: a combination...

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