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Are your pictures memorable? Science has the answer

Are your pictures memorable? Science has the answer

Researchers at MIT have developed an algorithm that can identify how memorable or forgettable an image will be to humans. The algorithm, also known as MemNet, performs almost as well as a real human at predicting a photograph's memorability. The algorithm was developed by researchers from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).

How does it work?

People were shown a series of hundreds of photos, some of which were repeated. They were asked to press...

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Find your inspiration – a holiday grab bag of helpful design resources

giftIn honor of America's birthday, here is little a gift for everyone: links to provide you with inspiration for your next marketing project along with some bonus tools to help clear clutter and enhance your productivity.


Fonts are an often overlooked design element - a smattering of Arial, Verdana or Times arranged into paragraphs for general consumption. But your typography is actually the largest design element on...

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Making less do more for your website

simplicitySimplicity can be difficult. Simplifying your schedule, your inbox, your wardrobe, your clutter, your to-do list: none of this comes easily. The same is true for design. Many people will say that they want a clean layout with simple navigation and good use of white space, but often they will balk at implementing the resulting design. There is an instinct to fill space – with text, or textures, or gradients,...

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Six tips for building your blog readership

growplantLawyers blog for a variety of reasons, marketing often being chief among them. Blogging and other online social activity can be both rewarding and frustrating. Every regular blogger has wondered if there is really anyone out there reading their tips and insights. For your professional advancement (and peace of mind), it is good to know that your blog readership is growing. More readers mean...

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Create the right impression with your profile picture

profileEven if you are consistently posting the most prescient, insightful information on your social media profiles, people will likely notice your picture before they start paying attention to what you have to say. First impressions matter, and they are almost always visual.

Like it or not, you need a good profile picture – a picture of you, not your dog or your child or your favorite beach. And...

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Top 2012 web design trends – part two

trends 4Last week we examined some of the strides website design has made while advances in technology continue to expand creative options. The year 2012 has seen the introduction of some interesting new styles and programming methods, as designers and developers eagerly experiment with some of the advanced capabilities in HTML 5. Here is the second part of our list of the top seven most popular web design trends of the...

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LinkedIn releases list of top overused profile buzzwords

wirtingWith the new year approaching, LinkedIn has released their list of 2012's top ten overused profile buzzwords. And they have created a helpful infographic to spread the news. Although the professional network added over 50 million new members this year, “creative” once again topped the list of words most frequently seen in profile descriptions. LinkedIn breaks down profile statistics for the United States and worldwide, and the word...

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Instagram opens new doors with web profiles for users

instagram 3Responding to its growing popularity and requests from users, the photo sharing service Instagram has announced the arrival of online user profiles. Instagram has always allowed users to share pictures through email, text or across other social networks, but the service has until now not provided a single location on their own network for people to showcase their pictures.

Instagram profiles will be different from those on other social networking...

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Use design for inspiration not duplication

fishGreat web design is many things, but above all it is functional. One of the first lessons new designers learn after they have left the cocoon of the classroom is that no matter how pretty their work may be, clients are only happy if it accomplishes certain objectives. In terms of law firm website design, this means turning visitors into prospects and prospects into clients. Attorney websites must convert.

Because of the need...

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