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How Courts Are Using Remote Tech Out of Necessity, and Other Must-Reads

How Courts Are Using Remote Tech Out of Necessity, and Other Must-Reads

Courts Attempt To Balance Innovation With Access In Remote Proceedings (ABA Journal)

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues in the United States, there is still on-going debate on whether in-door trials can be conducted safely. Until then, courts nationwide are adapting to remote technology by live-streaming hearings and trials via video and audio platforms. This article explores the unintended disruptions and surprisingly beneficial consequences of managing virtual trials.

Beyond Traditional User Intent: Why...

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Marketing and the Brain — Part 3 of 3

Marketing and the Brain — Part 3 of 3

In part 3 of Marketing and the Brain, we’ll cover why your marketing strategy should cater to a person’s tendency to follow their gut feeling, make impulse decisions and protect their free will. These psychology concepts help inform marketers and salespeople how to effectively appeal to prospects, and can be used by you to convert more leads and grow your firm.

Emotional decisions

We often convince ourselves that we follow a strictly logical code for our decision-making process. We tell ourselves...

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Marketing and the Brain - Part 2 of 3

Marketing and the Brain – Part 2 of 3


After setting the stage with your logo, color scheme and visual display, as discussed in part 1 of this blog series, play close attention to your website’s copy. Copywriting is all about persuasion and an appeal to human memory through the written word, which may seem like a difficult task for some. Consider the psychological implications of copywriting, however, and you’ll find that creating more effective, conversion-oriented copy is simpler than it may appear.


When a statement is repeated,...

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