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Company pages on LinkedIn are still an underused resource

best linkedinIn December, LinkedIn released its list of the 12 best company pages of 2012. According to a post on the official LinkedIn blog, the pages were chosen because they used a range of features to both enhance the company's brand and communicate with its audience in a meaningful way. Some winners include Adobe, HubsSpot and CNBC. You can see the complete slideshow...

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Align your social media activity with user expectations

entertain me 2Attorneys who use social media as a part of their marketing efforts face challenges that are exclusive to the legal industry. Professional services marketing in and of itself is very different from product marketing. Added to this are restrictions on what attorneys may or may not be able to say according to ethical guidelines, which can vary from state to state.

Since it is not efficient for attorneys...

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Maximize Your LinkedIn Engagement

linkedin socmediaLinkedIn is proving itself to be an adept student of social media lessons. Developers and management listen to users, monitor other platforms to see what features people find useful or lacking and implement their findings across their own network.

LinkedIn has steadily been adding useful features, helping to transforming it into a valuable peer-to-peer marketing tool. Of the popular social networks, it is the best for producing referral business....

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What social media practices spur the most engagement?

soc media habitsWhen your firm is engaging in social media marketing, it can seem at times like you are just throwing information out into the ether. Are people reading your updates? Do they like what you are sharing?

One of the most important things to remember about building a useful social media presence is that it takes time and patience. It is easy to get frustrated that you do not have enough...

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Lessons from LinkedIn’s split with Twitter: Use each social media platform to its advantage

soc mediaAt the end of June, Ryan Roslansky, Head of Content Products at LinkedIn, announced a social media separation. Twitter users will no longer be able to display their Tweets automatically on LinkenIn. Since 2009, users have been able to sync their Twitter and LinkedIn accounts so that anything shared on Twitter would simultaneously post to LinkedIn. Now, users will have to post updates individually to each network.

Of course,...

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Google+ and How it Increases Your Legal Marketing Success – Podcast

As search becomes more social, it is important for law firms to understand how Google+ can help your firm increase its search engine rankings and build a bigger network of future clients and connections. This podcast discusses the +1 button feature and how it helps raise the online profile of your firm.

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Ranking Your Law Firm Higher With Google’s Plus 1

Last week, Google introduced a new change to their search engine results. By taking pages, images, and news that people in your Plus 1 network liked and items you liked, they modify the search results by placing websites liked by your friends higher.

You may not have remembered signing up for a Plus 1 account but if you have a Gmail account, you probably have activated Plus 1.

Let's use an example to show you how this can improve your...

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