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What people actually want to see on your law firm’s website

What people actually want to see on your law firm’s website

Most attorneys view their website as a platform that tells prospective clients what their law firm offers. However, it is often hard to determine what exactly people care about when they visit a website. Custom Legal Marketing (CLM) decided to find out and shares the results in its latest Law Firm SEO Video Series.

As part of the company’s website development process, CLM seeks feedback from focus groups made up of individuals who have...

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Google Chrome's AdBlocker and Your Law Firm's Marketing Efforts

Google Chrome’s AdBlocker and Your Law Firm’s Marketing Efforts

Adblocking software has become increasingly more necessary as advertising interferes more and more with the online experience. Ads can interrupt the user’s goal with a blast of noise in an automatic video pitch or sprawl across a web page with a pop-up countdown clock. As a result, Google felt the need to intervene. Whether this is a step in the right direction is up for debate.

On February 15th, Google Chrome was updated to ban obnoxiously impeding ads by default...

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How to keep your visitors on your site

How to keep your visitors on your site

You’ve done everything right so far. Your SEO has worked the way it should and now visitors have found your site. Your analytics indicate that you’re receiving heavy traffic, but visitors are only staying on your site for about 30 seconds. They’re scrolling through your homepage, but before long, they’re gone.
While your website may draw visitors in with desirable design elements and a clear call to action, it may still be struggling to keep visitors there long enough to...

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What lawyers can learn from Google's Webspam Report

What lawyers can learn from Google’s Webspam Report

Google released its 2015 Webspam Report this week, which details actions the company took over the last year to try to clean up the internet, reduce spam and increase page quality. When Google chooses to release actual data, webmasters and website owners (and yes, lawyers) should take note. The reports often provide insight into the types of practices Google punishes and rewards, which you can use to help prevent mistakes and build better pages. This report is...

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5 ways lawyers can boost their call to action performance

5 ways lawyers can boost their call to action performance

A call to action (CTA) is any element on a website that encourages visitors to take an action. Usually, a CTA comes in the form of a button or the combination of a button and a line of text. Calls to action can also be textual links, although this treatment should be used judiciously since text does not stand out as well on a page as a graphic or button. The most common CTAs on attorney websites are invitations...

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Six things the highest converting attorney websites have in common

Six things the highest converting attorney websites have in common

Creating a website with a solid conversion rate is a balance between listening to what visitors say they want and gently nudging them toward what you want them to do. Your website should be designed with an understanding of your target audience and the expectations of your various client personas. And your site should answer the questions visitors are most likely to ask, while giving them reasons to contact you.

Websites that convert well share some characteristics in terms...

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Panda is now a piece of Google's core algorithm

Panda is now a piece of Google’s core algorithm

Google has confirmed that Panda is now a part of its core ranking algorithm. Panda has not been updated; Google was careful to specify that any recent updates to its core algorithm were not Panda or Penguin related. Rather, Panda in its current form has been integrated as part of the algorithm's core functionality.

Panda targets page quality. The initial Panda release in 2011 aimed to lower the rankings of pages that contained weak or “thin” content. On a domain...

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Attorneys recognize the value of simplicity in design

simpleOne of the more well-documented design trends of this year is a move toward more simple website layouts. Designers are removing clutter, utilizing larger elements, paring down navigation to the essentials and creating user experiences that are less busy and more intuitive. Simplicity is both visually appealing and increasingly necessary as firms strive to make content accessible to the widest audience on the greatest number of devices possible.

An aspect...

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Featured website illustrates how to create designs that last

busaviationThis month's featured website is, which was designed for aviation transaction attorney Stewart H. Lapayowker. Mr. Lapayowker's site is being highlighted due to a combination of its layout, look and feel, and longevity. This project was completed in 2009, and aside from one programming update necessary to remove an outdated Flash-based menu, it has remained relevant without the need for a design overhaul for the last...

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Social may be trendy but search brings home the leads – SPECIAL REPORT

Social marketing is a popular topic on blogs, in lawyer magazines, and at conferences. This attention is certainly well deserved. Just look at the audience:

  • Facebook – 1 billion+ users
  • Google+ - 500 million+ users
  • Twitter – 500 million+ users
  • LinkedIn- 200 million+ users
  • Pinterest – 48 million+ users

Those audiences should not be ignored, however when looking at what drives leads into your office, we see that search is still the driving force.

Source of leads for law firms from Google, Yahoo,...
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