Color Theory and Making the Right Connection with Your Law Firm Marketing

Color psychology is a complex science, one which people could spend their whole lives studying. It is something that we understand subconsciously when we choose the colors that surround us. It is why deep red dining room walls are more common than bright blue, and why muted earth tones are often seen in spas while bright primary colors adorn toy stores and playgrounds.

A potential client's reaction to color must be taken into consideration when developing marketing strategies. A...

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Produce Results for Your Firm with Strategic Website Design

Good attorney website design is a lot of things. But above all, it is functional. A website is well designed if it produces results. Even the most website is breathtakingly beautiful website design will fail if it does not encourage action.

Having worked in the design industry for many years, I have experienced an evolution in thinking about what constitutes good design. For a brief period, when design students were still smitten with Flash, online design galleries were filled...

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Attorney Bios are an Important Lawyer Website Marketing Tool

Attorney bio pages on a law firm website are the pages most frequently visited by prospective clients. Bio pages can see up to twice the traffic of even a firm’s home page. Clearly they are important. Attorneys should take advantage of the exposure their bio pages receive by focusing on design and content that will engage visitors and generate leads.

Think of your attorney bio pages as an online extension of your office. You are inviting people in to...

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Ten Lawyer Website Usability Tips – Part Two

Last week, we discussed several methods law firms can employ to ramp up their website’s usability. Making your firm’s site as intuitive and easy to use as possible helps give potential clients a positive experience and prompts calls and conversion. A well designed, fine-tuned website also encourages users to share your site and refer others to your firm.

Attention to detail in an attorney website is something that is most notable when absent. When done well, no one item...

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Ten Lawyer Website Usability Tips – Part One

Your firm’s website is at work for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is a valuable advocate and proxy, often communicating with potential clients before you have had a chance to speak to them in person. And, as a bonus, it will continue to do its job without complaint while you are asleep, on vacation or at trial.

Ideally, your attorney website is functioning at optimum efficiency, converting visits into calls and prospects into clients....

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Set Your Law Firm Website Apart: Give Attention to Details Others Ignore

Attention to subtle details can elevate a lawyer website to stand above the crowded average website space. The right combination of textures, light and shadow can make certain elements pop, emphasizing important items and creating visual organization. If everything on a page looks flat, it is hard to distinguish one bit of information from another. Details create the sense of hierarchy that a website needs in order to prompt action and create results.

Effective websites employ a variety of techniques...

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