Bring the Legal Marketing Haiku to your Website

haikuHaiku can be both fun and challenging. Distilling something seemingly complex down to 17 little syllables forces you to look at the essence of the subject and may help you to see it in a new light. Applying this art form to legal marketing is an exercise in focusing your attention on the core of what you do and how you help clients.

The legal marketing haiku was introduced by...

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Attorneys Can Use Social Media and Adhere to Ethical Standards

soc med ethicsSocial media, to the chagrin of some and the delight of others, has muscled its way on to the legal marketing scene and is now a force that is difficult to ignore. Social media itself is not exactly new – Facebook is 8 years old – but its ubiquitous presence on law firm marketing blogs and in law firm marketing plans is a more recent...

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Does Bounce Rate Matter on Law Firm Websites?

lawyer seo bounce rateIf you spend any time with your website's statistics, you may be familiar with “bounce rate.” The bounce rate represents the number of visitors who access one page on your website and then leave. A high bounce rate means that most people see just one page on your site. A low bounce rate means your visitors visit multiple sub-pages.

For years, search engine optimization specialists have theorized that...

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Create Results with Your Law Firm Blog

bloggingWe have written often about how blogging can drive traffic to your law firm website. A good blog can help you generate more leads and more cases. But like all law firm marketing related efforts, blogging must be done with a purpose. Blog entries that do not address client needs or speak to the right audience may not produce the best results.

If you want to take advantage...

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Position your attorney website as a valuable business development tool

updateIn the not so distant past, having a law firm website simply meant slapping up a few pages about the firm and its practice areas and then checking “develop online presence” off the to-do list. Websites were seen as a sort of online brochure – a static presence advertising the firm’s services.

However, the understanding about what makes an attorney website effective is evolving. In recent years, the...

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Content is still king on an attorney website, but pictures are good for sharing

blog picturesThe value of blogging for attorneys lies in creating relevant content. Writing and posting regularly to a blog on your attorney website helps establish you as a trusted resource and creates interest in your work, giving prospects and clients a reason to return to your website and to refer it to others.

Blogging as a part of a law firm marketing strategy does drive traffic. In 2011, Read More

Social Media Marketing for Attorneys: Make Your Clients’ Choices Easy

A recent article on points out a growing disconnect between what marketing and business executives think consumers want and what those consumers actually want when it comes to interacting with companies online. While business leaders talk of building a community and engaging users, most consumers are just interested in getting some sort of perk or discount for following companies online. Being a part of a community is not their top priority.

This presents a unique challenge...

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Building an Effective Mobile Attorney Website is an Important Law Firm Marketing Tool

smartphoneWebsites designed for desktop browsing are increasingly utilizing oversized elements like large headers, generous graphic features, full screen images and big, bold fonts. This is a design trend that many law firms have embraced successfully. However, while desktop monitors are getting larger, a growing portion of the population is viewing your website on smaller mobile devices like smart phones and tablets.

Having a website that is accessible to...

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Thinking About a New Website? Define Your Goals From the Start.

option9 sm newIf your firm is considering developing a new website or undertaking a website redesign, now is the best time to define your strategy. Before diving in, stop to consider what you want your website to do for your firm - how you want it to work for you. It is easy for a law firm website to suffer from information spread. But attempting to sell a...

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