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Google Web Stories May Be Going Global, and Other Must-Reads

Google Web Stories May Be Going Global, and Other Must-Reads

Google May Expand Roll Out of Web Stories If More Sites Use Them (Search Engine Journal)

Google’s Web Stories content format provides law firms and other businesses another creative opportunity to gain additional online traffic. Currently, Web Stories are supported in the United States, India and Brazil. As more and more users take advantage of Web Stories, Google is eager to expand this search feature to other countries.


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Branding is more than a buzzword, it could influence your search ranking

handmade brandingGoogle has had an active summer, much to the chagrin of many, from a high-profile Penguin update to changes to its link scheme guidelines. But, as Eric Enge pointed out in an article about Google's quality control process, the search giant doesn't really care whether it ranks your site accurately. Google is interested in increasing overall search quality, not in small, individual cases. The best way to...

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