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A good pay-per-click strategy delivers measurable traffic immediately. It's a "right now" marketing strategy.

-Jason Bland
Legal Marketing Enthusiast

Yahoo Bing Network Advertising

Google's AdWords may get all the attention, but it is not your only paid advertising option. Potential clients are searching for attorneys on Bing, too.

Competitive rates

The Yahoo Bing Network's click rates are often a third the cost of Google ads, making your PPC dollars go further.

Market saturation

A plan that includes the Yahoo Bing Network will ensure exposure on all major search platforms. Don't miss a case.

Local targeting

The Yahoo Bing Network offers geographic targeting, so your marketing dollars will only be spent to reach local potential clients.

[yahoo bing]
No Missed Opportunities

While Google claims nearly 70% of search traffic, the Yahoo Bing Network comprises the majority of the remaining marketshare for U.S. searches. With 30% of searches and competitive ad rates, the Yahoo Bing Network may be a beneficial addition to your law firm's pay-per-click (PPC) marketing plan.

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