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How Many Visits Does It Take to Convert a Visitor?

We wanted to know how many times a visitor visits a law firm's website before contacting them. Do people like to research, view their options, or contact a law firm the first time they visit the firm's website?

Data Sample

  • We looked at 70,000 leads generated on law firm websites.
  • The sample included various practice areas.
  • Law firms and their leads were located in various cities in the United States.
  • The study only reviewed web contacts (leads that filled out a contact form). This data does not include visitors that called a law firm or used any other means to contact them.
  • For this report, a “visit” is counted as a unique visitor to your website. To qualify for any additional visits, he or she left for 30 minutes or more, then returned.


What We Learned

  • One Visit: A little more than 82% of web leads contacted a law firm the first time they visited its website. It’s a safe majority.
  • Two Visits – Almost 10% of web leads waited until their second visit to contact the firm.
  • Three Visits – The third time was the charm for approximately 3% of web leads.
  • Four and Five Visits – 1.3% of our evaluated leads needed four to five visits before gaining the confidence to email. It did not appear that four or five offered any significant difference.
  • Six to Eight Visits – Less than 1% of leads required six to eight visits before contacting the firm.
  • Nine to 100 Visits – A surprising 1.7% visited nine to one hundred times before using a contact form. We actually discovered about 10 total web leads that were generated after a visitor went to the website over 100 times. Those very informed potential clients made up just 0.01% of the sample.

Shareable Graphic

Visits before a web visitor becomes a lead

