Online marketing encompasses much more than just ranking in search results. You must engage with others in a variety of ways to build the relationships and trust that lead to new clients.
Firms have long relied on traditional marketing and word of mouth to build client relationships. Some firms have long been skeptical of search marketing tricks — and rightfully so. Shortcuts do more harm than good. But a good online marketing plan discounts such tactics and can be of real value to your firm.
Many of the practices that have long made large brands successful are now being incorporated into online marketing strategies. Before the days of a ubiquitous Internet, companies had to grow the old-fashioned way: by investing in their products, advertising and people. They had to spread marketing budgets across various campaigns on different media outlets. Similarly, firms must be active on array of networks, produce interesting content and invest in diverse tactics. No one trick will produce magical results.
Networking takes time. No attorney expects to go to one dinner and immediately get inquiries from half the people at the event. Online networking requires an even greater level of patience, but it can produce results. From acquaintances to close colleagues, you must work to build groups of relationships online just as you steadily expand your circle of relationships offline.
Engagement pays off in the form of social proof and social signals, with Likes, shares and retweets that search engines can use in ranking algorithms. But it also works on a more personal level, as you establish yourself as a resource for your connections. When you interact thoughtfully, those in your online networks are more likely to remember you, recommend you and contact you.
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