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The Problem with ChatGPT Being a 'Google Killer'

The Problem with ChatGPT Being a ‘Google Killer’

We've been having some fun with OpenAI's ChatGPT. It is, by far, the most impressive AI chatbot to be evaluated by the general public. Over at Bigger Law Firm Magazine, I tested the bot's ability to write unique content around a fictional character named Larry, the Hairy Canary. In this experiment, the bot really spread its wings (sorry, I couldn't resist.)

While we're having fun playing with this new technology, the doomsday predictors are out there saying that chatbots...

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Is 'Perfect' Content Dooming Your Law Firm’s SEO?

Is ‘Perfect’ Content Dooming Your Law Firm’s SEO?

Quality content is the heartbeat of a successful SEO plan. Not just law firm SEO, but all types of digital marketing. But what happens when you treat your marketing content like a legal brief? Or worse, what happens when perfection is never met and your content never gets a moment to shine in Google’s search results?

I recently talked about how “perfect” content can doom an SEO strategy on Forbes. The inspiration for the piece came from a...

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Ditch These Problematic Design Elements From Your Firm's Website

Ditch These Problematic Design Elements From Your Firm’s Website

Web designers have a tricky job to do: balancing the needs and wants of clients with the needs and wants of users, which may not align. The pressure to include trendy design elements or fancy bells and whistles can only make this balancing act more difficult.

A website design cannot be successful, however, if it does not adequately serve users. Some web page effects and behaviors may be visually cool but will negatively impact user experience and site effectiveness.


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Ignore typography at your own risk

Ignore typography at your own risk

Type is the most important design element on a Web Page. Visitors click through to a site because they are interested in consuming information – not just looking at pretty pictures. Layout and choice of graphics help set the tone, reinforce the story and direct the user's attention, but content is the star.

Web layouts should be designed for the reader. The reader's ability to easily digest your content determines the success of your site.

When planning your content,...

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