Three Easy Ways Lawyers Can Boost Their Search Rankings

Three Easy Ways Lawyers Can Boost Their Search Rankings

Lawyers and law firms have to worry about marketing themselves to the public more than any time in the history of the industry. Law firms need to compete for attention on the web. Given this environment, it can be difficult to be seen apart from the crowd. Therefore, law firms should pay particular attention to their rankings in search results. The higher the ranking, the higher the chance of searches clicking on your law firm’s website.

One of the...

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How to Use the New 'How To Schema'

How to Use the New ‘How To Schema’

Google recently demonstrated some new ways sites can have their content highlighted in search results as a “featured snippet.”

A featured snippet is a block of content taken from a web page and displayed at the top of a list of search results, alongside a link to that page. Its placement is sometimes called “position zero” because it supersedes the page that is otherwise ranked first. How-To schemas, therefore, represent an opportunity to one-up your competition, and should be targeted...

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How Law Firms Can Use Machine Learning in Search to Their Advantage

How Law Firms Can Use Machine Learning in Search to Their Advantage

Machine learning was first conceived in 1959 as a step towards artificial intelligence. Machine learning is the practice of giving algorithms enough data so that eventually they can solve problems on their own, without the help of a developer programming the solution into them.

Many tech companies today implement machine learning as a way to streamline efficiency and improve user experience. Once an algorithm is capable of figuring out processes on its own, companies could then divert attention to other...

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What people actually want to see on your law firm’s website

What people actually want to see on your law firm’s website

Most attorneys view their website as a platform that tells prospective clients what their law firm offers. However, it is often hard to determine what exactly people care about when they visit a website. Custom Legal Marketing (CLM) decided to find out and shares the results in its latest Law Firm SEO Video Series.

As part of the company’s website development process, CLM seeks feedback from focus groups made up of individuals who have...

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Google Featured Snippets: Your Law Firm's Coveted Position Zero

Google Featured Snippets: Your Law Firm’s Coveted Position Zero

Since the early 2000s, law firms strived to secure the No. 1 position in Google’s organic search results. That ranking provided the best volume of relevant traffic to their websites. Now, the spot to secure is position zero, the place for featured snippets.

What is a featured snippet?

Google’s featured snippet is a box at the top of the search engine results page (SERP) that aims to highlight content from a website that does the best job answering the...

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No Comment: Why Law Firms Should Disable Commenting

No Comment: Why Law Firms Should Disable Commenting

“Don’t read the comment section.”

It’s advice we hear more and more from celebrities, artists and journalists who understand the potential downside of providing online forums for anonymous armchair reviewers to opine about anything they wish.

As a law firm that knows the importance of blogging as part of an effective content marketing strategy, you may have also experienced the drawbacks of providing a comment board on your posts. But you recognize the value your blog presents in generating...

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The 2018 Content Marketing Plan for Law Firms

The 2018 Content Marketing Plan for Law Firms

Content marketing is propelling forward into a modernized world of high expectations for law firms: to be unique and trustworthy for clients with a crisp and transparent online presence. As rough as the roadmap to successful marketing may seem, it is not impossible. The secret is in the flow. Here is how your firm can tackle content marketing today:

Create Your Plan of Action

Break it down.
The simplest start to new beginnings in 2018 is to realign your law firm’s goals...

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Google Shakes Up Search Results for the Holidays

Google Shakes Up Search Results for the Holidays

Last week, there was a lot of talk among the SEO community about a change in Google’s search algorithm. The bulk of the fluctuation happened between December 12th and 14th. On Wednesday, Google confirmed that there was indeed a change, saying they implemented several minor improvements during that time. Google always downplays their updates as minor, refusing to give these updates names like they had done previously. This relegates all subsequent unnamed updates as "Fred". However, this recent change...

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How to spot bad SEO and marketing advice

How to spot bad SEO and marketing advice

As I write this post, thousands of others, both bot and human, are also typing happily away, helping create the glut of content that will hit the internet in the next seconds, minutes, hours and days.

As of 2016, sites within the WordPress network — those hosted on or that have the Jetpack plugin installed — published an average of 24 blog posts per second. While WordPress is extremely popular, powering roughly one-third of all websites worldwide,...

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