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Shopping for a Bigger Law Firm

With parties, travel, holiday planning and shopping taking the top slots in your priority list it is important to also use this time of year to establish a law firm marketing plan for 2012.

December is by far the busiest time of year for us because law firms use the traditionally slower month to look at their online marketing and see how their current strategy has played out. Is there more traffic? More exposure? More phone calls? Is there a chance this will improve next year?

Do not wait

A lot of law firms come down with "First of the year syndrome". Law firms suffering from this syndrome put off their legal marketing planning until the next year. Unfortunately, your competitors are not all inflicted with the same disorder and therefore are getting a head start.

It is important to make sure you are working with a law firm marketing company that is innovative. When was the last time your marketing firm had a new idea? Developed a new service? Also, when was the last time you heard from a representative with your current legal marketing firm?

Let's start out 2012 with a plan to build a bigger law firm...yours.

Let's Build a Bigger Law Firm™ Together

To learn more about legal marketing, law firm marketing, lawyer marketing, law firm marketing plans, and attorney websites visit or call 1.800.728.5306.

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