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Create Relationships

To benefit from social media, you have to communicate, not just broadcast. Value lies in cultivating connections.

-Dipal Parmar

Build Your Social Media Presence

Social media offers a brand-building benefit beyond your firm’s website. Marketing through social networks puts you in front of clients and allows you to interact in new and creative ways.

Meet and greet

Your next clients are on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Google+. Be where they are (and where they talk).

Eavesdrop with impunity

Clients share experiences and others ask questions. Get a front row seat and ensure your client support is top-notch.

Establish authority

Search engines are taking social signals into greater and greater account when they look at a brand’s overall relevance.

[social marketing]
Interact With Your Prospects

To build a successful social media marketing campaign, you must do more than broadcast information about your firm. You must understand what types of posts get the most interaction and supply your connections with useful information that is relevant to your practice areas.

-Jason Bland
Legal Marketing Connoisseur

All Marketing (should be) Integrated

Cement your authority as a legal expert by expanding your influence and establishing your reputation with search engines. When you build a following, you build your clientele.

Make friends and influence search

Get your brand out there. Studies and analytics show that social media activity affects search engine ranking algorithms. As search engines move away from weighing links, they are looking for a way to judge influence. The value of a firm’s online reputation could be determined by social signals across the major social networks, such as Likes and shares. Don’t miss out on a chance to build authority.

Really connect or just fade away

Setting up your firm's social media profiles will cost you little time and money, but successful social media marketing demands a significant amount of effort and strategy. We've all seen brands go down in virtual flames after a social stumble or fail to gain traction with ineffective efforts. Social marketing is not the place to cut corners or hand the reins over to an untested amateur. Pursued effectively, social marketing entails analytics, trend-tracking, proactive social measures and enhanced access to clients from your firm's social site.

[social media]
Connections Matter

If you want to expand your client base or establish your foothold as a legal authority, you need social media. We can't promise you that a stellar Facebook profile will make you a legal rock star, but we do know it will help get you on that stage.

The Custom Legal Marketing Team
(Your Social Support)

Social signals (Likes, shares, +1's) continue to correlate with higher rankings, as many site owners have suspected since 2012. In a study of ranking factors, Google +1's and Facebook shares placed first and second, respectively.

Ranking Factors Ranking Correlation 2013

Social media is not just for teenagers anymore; your potential clients are likely to have profiles. Adults aged 45-54 are the fastest growing demographic segment on social networking sites.

State of Digital
10 Wowing Social Media Statistics

    Go Social. Build Authority.

    Informational Outreach
    Infographics are integral to your viral social media efforts. We design eye-catching, viral-ready images.

    Cohesive Communication
    Sync your blog updates to your social networks. Avoid duplicated work and dead-end content efforts.

    Organic Growth
    Search engines are considering social signals as a factor in rankings. Activity boosts your impact.

    Engagement Opportunities
    Introduce your personnel to your social audience and open a channel for interaction and conversation.

    Multiple Networks
    Set up and manage profiles on the major networks: Google+, Facebook and Twitter.

    Social Branding
    Be sure that your firm is represented consistently and professionally across all of your social profiles.

    Social Management
    We make sure your accounts are active, but you can join the conversation any time with your posts and insight.

    Social Stats
    We provide tracking tools to monitor all of your social marketing efforts.

    Content Production
    We write copy and produce images for use on all network profiles.

    Our Process

    Expect an experience like no other.

    Get the FAQS

    Find answers to your questions.