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Tax Law Practice Marketing & SEO

Law Firm SEO that Works™

Our Focus: Your Firm

Custom Legal Marketing is getting results for tax law firms in some of the most competitive legal markets in the United States. We succeed by dealing exclusively with one law firm per market, developing and executing a creative strategy tailored to the firm's practice focus and local client needs.

The historic Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 has been an advantage to tax law attorneys, upending long-help tax-planning assumptions and driving tax rates on business income down to levels not seen for decades. Lower corporate income tax rates, a larger deduction for pass-through entities and new rules on taxation of overseas income are motivating clients to seek legal advice in unprecedented numbers.

We Commit to Just One Firm

Does your marketing partner have a conflict of interest? Are they collecting fees from your firm while working for other lawyers in town?

At Custom Legal Marketing, we do not serve two masters. We work just for you.

When a local television network needs an expert of a package on recent tax law changes, we recommend you. When a journalist searches for insight on the deductibility of entertainment expenses, we promote you. When a major website builds links to authoritative resources on tax law issues, we put your firm front and center.

Other companies send the best opportunities to the highest-paying attorney. With Custom Legal Marketing, you get our No Competition™ Guarantee, which means we will not work with any other tax law attorney in your city.

We Embrace Creativity

A copycat marketing strategy will not cut it anymore. Tax law firms seeking to grow their practice must be willing to try new things. When we gather competitive intelligence, we look not just at what your competitors are doing but also what they are not doing. We find the door your competitors are leaving open, and we develop creative strategies to seize opportunites that everyone else is missing.

Creative employment law marketing
employment lawyers meeting
We Commit to Just One Firm

When a local television network needs to talk to a trial lawyer;
When a journalist needs to talk to an authority;
When a major website needs to link to authoritative content;
Who are we going to recommend?


Our comprehensive law firm marketing approach includes strategic content, client reviews, authoritative links, winning design, tracking what matters and more. You will get:

1. Strategic Content

Your future clients are not just searching for an "tax lawyer" or "business deductions". Their searches are more specific; often they are asking questions. Our strategic content offerings are designed to cast this wide range of prospective client search intentions.

Our strategic content generates leads for targeted searches on today's top-of-mind tax law issues, including: Income Repatriation, Tax Withholding, Corporate Tax Planning, Taxation of Pass-Through Entities, Tax Deductions for Small Businesses, Transfer Pricing, State Sales and Use Tax, Retirement Planning and more.

2. Authoritative Links

We are not interested in building thousands of low-quality links to your employment law practice. We want your site to connect with the best web properties. Through targeted content, multimedia and strategic offerings, our clients have achieved links from some of the most trusted websites on the internet.

High quality links for law firm seo plan
3. Glowing Reviews

You work hard to service your clients and to build a strong legal foundation on which they can achieve their business objectives. In many cases, they are happy and willing to share their positive impressions with the world.

We have developed a system that reaches out to your clients when they are most likely to write a positive reivew. We provide them with instructions and screenshots explaining how and where to compose a reiview. Do not miss out on this incredible opportunity for your clients to create valuable online assessmets of your expertise.

Use these reviews to connect with prospective clients and convert more leads.

4. Award Winning Website Design

We have been building award-winning websites for over a decade. We monitor user behavior, employ focus groups, create detailed photo briefs and build a one of a kind website that speaks directly to your clients. 

Awards for law firm website design
5. Rise Above the Top Search Result

When a prospective client searches for information, Google may answer those questions with a featured snippet. Featured snippets are displayed above all other search results, giving your firm high visibility and ultimate authority on that topic. We select legal topics for our clients with an eye toward capturing the broadest spectrum of search intent, then structure each web page to maximize the likelihood that Google will give that content top placement as authoritative cards.

6. Pay-Per-Click That Performs

Pay-Per-Click campaigns, a smart complement to natural search engine marketing, can deliver more leads for employment for law firms.

Custom Legal Marketing's Google Partner Certified team knows how to build PPC campaigns that deliver results.

Google Partner Badge
7. Spread the News

Whether you have won a settled high-profile business dispute or helped secure financing for an important real estate developer in your community, Custom Legal Marketing can amplify your success with a public relations campaign. We develop press kits, pitch stories to local journalists, and send kits directly to editors via email and direct mail. We also develop content that can be promoted on popular news sites. 

Law firms in the news
8. Track Your Success

We know what we are doing. So do our clients. With the CLM Lounge, you get access to statistics and reports to monitor your progress. Track links, visitors, user behavior, search engine rankings, local listings and more.

Facebook analystics

We love statistics and we love sharing them. We believe you should always know what your marketing company is doing on your behalf and whether those efforts are paying off. After all, we are in this together.

Get a Free SEO and Website Analysis
law firm marketing and lawyer SEO analysis

Your Law Firm's SEO success starts with knowledge.

We offer a free analysis of your website, your SEO, your social activity, your local citations and your link portfolio so you can see where your firm stands. When ready, one of our analysts will provide you with a free review along with insights and suggestions about how to boost your law firm marketing performance and strategy.

What Our Clients Are Saying

CLM is the Real Deal

Jason at CLM is the real deal when it comes to SEO. I don’t think that you could make a better choice.

Paul Greenberg Briskman Briskman & Greenberg

The site is great

The site is great, but your continued ability to take care of us is what has made a real difference. Great job to the entire team!

James Fausone Legal Help for Veterans

My traffic has tripled

My traffic has tripled and my website consistently refers new clients to my social security and disability law firm.

David W. Magann David W. Magann, PA

I have had amazing results

I have had amazing results for my solo law firm with SEO. Jason and his Company have placed me extremely high on Google.

Annie Banerjee Banerjee & Associates

I’m impressed

I just reviewed my new website. I am impressed! Good job.

Mark Anderson Attorney Mark F. Anderson

How much I appreciate your service

I can't tell you how much I appreciate your service and how happy I am to have landed with you. You have taken a huge burden off of me by creating and maintaining my site the way you do.

Jon Ladd Business Real Estate Law Group

More leads than ever before

CLM’s dedication and unwavering support for our law firm is very much appreciated. I'm getting more leads than ever before.

Henry Enright Todd J. Leonard Law Firm

The Best Decision I Made

Switching our SEO company over to CLM was one of the BEST decisions I made as the director of marketing for a large Law Firm. Always responsive and always finding solutions to every obstacle- I don't know what I would do without them.

Yani Smith Steinberg Law Firm

Measurable Increase to Our Traffic

We have seen a significant, measurable increase to our website traffic from natural search. They have also helped us launch a second location. Recommended.

Jason Erlich McCormack & Erlich

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