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Assessing Your Law Firm's Website Ahead of Google's Upcoming Page Experience Update, and Other Must Reads

Assessing Your Law Firm’s Website Ahead of Google’s Upcoming Page Experience Update, and Other Must Reads

What To Evaluate Ahead of Google's Page Experience Update (Search Engine Land)

Google announced the Page Experience update, that will be live on May 2021, along with a new set of metrics called Core Web Vitals and the removal of the AMP restriction on its Top Stories carousel. With several months ahead of us, now is a great time for marketers to evaluate the impact this update has in search results.

5 Valuable Marketing Lessons We Learned in 2020 (Column Five Media)

Katy French writes about the biggest content marketing lessons learned during the most strange and unprecedented year thus far. This articled is jammed packed with great examples and advice on how you can apply these lessons to your marketing.

How To Prepare Your Law Firm For A Digital Focused 2021 (Abajournal)

It's no surprise that in order to grow your law firm a strong digital marketing strategy is a must. Deciding what digital marketing and business tools you should focus on first is another story. This article breaks down the different areas of digital marketing you may want to consider in order to grow your law firm next year.

The Power Of Listening: how Legal Firms Can Benefit (Lawyer Monthly)

"Bernadette Bennett, business development lead for the legal sector at Moneypenny, offers her advice on how legal professionals can better connect with their clients through active listening, with the help of insights contributed by a number of UK law firms."

The Right Type(face): An Introduction To Typography For Lawyers (Bigger Law Firm)

"This is part one in a three-part series covering typography for attorneys. This first installment is an introduction to typography, its use and why it is important."

In case you missed it:

Calls to Action

Ten Ways to Diversify the Calls to Action on Your Law Firm Website and Help Boost Leads

Call to actions (CTA) give your law firm opportunities for your users to connect with you. Using only one style of CTA could limit the number of interactions you get. Branching out with diverse variations of CTA may illuminate your firm with what works, and what updates might be needed to boost the performance of your CTA. Here are ten different examples of call to actions your firm can explore.

Jessylyn Los Banos is a content developer for law firms at Custom Legal Marketing.