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Brace Yourself. Google Broad Core Algorithm Update is Rolling out Today

Brace Yourself. Google Broad Core Algorithm Update is Rolling out Today

Google releases updates on a daily basis but a few times a year, they do a broad core update. The June Core Update was followed by a lot of ranking turbulence and a crackdown on Google My Business term violations. But ultimately, most of CLM's law firms saw their organic positions improve after the dust settled.

Google announced the algorithm update today on Twitter:

A few things to keep in mind when a broad core update is released:

1) Things aren't always what they appear. How your website ranks immediately after an update may not be an accurate representation of how it has been affected by the change. It takes time for rankings to find a "norm" after an update.

2) Research before reacting. Once the rankings re-collaborate, your law firm's SEO team will research the websites that have moved up, moved down, and disappeared following the update. This analysis will help them decide how to adjust your strategy.

3) Don't panic, it's not always bad news. Often, we see rankings improve following a core update. However, you should allow 3-4 weeks for your rankings to find their new norm.

If you have CLM on your side, you don't need to do anything! Our team is always closely monitoring your law firm's organic positions. We also pay close attention to industry discussions and reports following every update to help with our analysis. Sit back, relax, and know that whatever happens in Google's September Core Update, we are ready to respond.

Jason Bland, co-founder of Custom Legal Marketing
Jason Bland is a Co-Founder of Custom Legal Marketing. He focuses on strategies for law firms in highly competitive markets. He's a contributor on, is a member of the Forbes Agency Council, Young Entrepreneurs Council, and has been quoted in Inc. Magazine, Business Journals, Above the Law, and many other publications.