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SEO | Law Firm™ is Now Part of Custom Legal Marketing

SEO | Law Firm™ is Now Part of Custom Legal Marketing

Adviatech was founded in 2005 and shortly thereafter we found our niche: helping law firms grow. We promoted our lawyer-focused products under Adviatech Legal Marketing until 2007 when we created the SEO | Law Firm brand and We are very proud of what we accomplished under SEO | Law Firm. It’s the brand that put us on the map, helped us thrive during the recession, and was the spring board for Custom Legal Marketing.

The name SEO | Law Firm made sense eight years ago as we were predominately focused on search engine optimization for law firms. But search engine optimization requires a comprehensive marketing plan. It can't be singled out from your overall marketing strategy or tossed to your IT department. To us, a successful search engine optimization plan for law firms is more accurately titled legal marketing.

Just as SEO | Law Firm grew from Adviatech Legal Marketing, Custom Legal Marketing was formed out of SEO | Law Firm's Large Firm Marketing solutions in 2013.

Today, we are excited to announce that SEO | Law Firm is now CLM Grow, a suite of services offered by Custom Legal Marketing. Now, we can help law firms of all sizes under Custom Legal Marketing.


Here is an easy way to decide which side of Custom Legal Marketing is the best fit for your firm:

Are you an established law firm in a highly competitive market? The full muscle that comes with a Custom Legal Marketing website and aggressive marketing strategy is what you will need to rise above the competition.

Are you a younger law firm or a firm practicing in a moderately competitive market? A CLM Grow Site and scalable search engine marketing plan will probably be the best fit.

You may have a few questions. These answers may help.

Has SEO | Law Firm been bought out?
No. SEO | Law Firm and Custom Legal Marketing have always been owned by Adviatech. This is an internal merging of two brands and there has been no change in ownership.

Under CLM Grow, will my rates go up?
Our rate structure is not changing but if you upgrade or modify your marketing plan, your fees will be modified as mutually agreed.

Will I be working with new people?
No. You will be working with the same team members you're familiar with. All SEO | Law Firm personnel are now operating under Custom Legal Marketing.

Will my hosting change?
Hosting for all accounts are managed by Adviatech and there are no changes being made to our hosting infrastructure.

Can I upgrade from CLM Grow to Custom Legal Marketing?
Yes. In fact, many SEO | Law Firm clients grew into full Custom Legal Marketing plans. With CLM Grow, upgrading will be easier!

We are excited to be able to serve law firms of all sizes under one roof. At the heart of Custom Legal Marketing is our ability to customize plans and not squeeze your practice into a box that might not fit. With Custom Legal Marketing and CLM Grow, we now have more flexibility and more ways to help you build a Bigger Law Firm™.
