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Law Firm Marketing with Short Content

At the center of every online law firm marketing campaign is content. Whether it is content on your website, blog entries, or distributed content like press releases or articles, what gets your firm attention is valuable content.

As users turn to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Google Plus, we see an obvious trend change regarding what people like and what gets them to “like” or “+1” your firm. People like brevity.

From short Tweets to brief blog entires, content that is direct and to the point with just 100-200 words is what gets attention. While long content is preferred by Google on your website, short content that is heavily shared on Google Plus will still get preferable treatment in the search engine...temporarily. Which is why it helps to know when to go short and when to write long detailed pieces.

Go Long

Long, detailed content is best reserved for your website. Explain the legal processes related to your practice area for example. Give your visitors as much information as possible to help them understand that you are an expert in your field with extensive experience. Walk them through the process, cover possible outcomes, and make them feel like they can trust you and your judgment when dealing with their case. Long content is thus appropriate for your website and ultimately helps prove to Google that your website is a resource, not just an advertisement.

Go Short

When you are blogging, Tweeting, interacting on Facebook or using microblogs like Tumblr, or Yahoo! Meme, keep it short. Plug interesting news stories and give catchy titles to fun facts. As interesting things come across your inbox, Tweet about it or share it on Facebook as this helps keep your social networks active without you having to write anything! On the other hand, periodically write about such topics in 100-200 word blogs to keep your blog filled with content. Your blog entries should also be Tweeted, shared on Facebook, and plugged on social networks.

Inform visitors with long content and lure them in with interesting, short facts. Content is still king but brevity is what fuels social networks.

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